User Guide
User Guide
User Guide

Level Key-ins

There are a number of key-ins available to perform the following level functions:

Level key-in format

Most level key-ins take a “level-spec”. A “level-spec” format is very general and can take one of the following forms:

Many of the key-ins also take an optional “file:file-spec”. Such commands have the syntax structure [file:file-spec] level-spec. The “file-spec” format can take one of the following forms:

Level commands with “[file:file-spec] level-spec”


LEVEL DELETE <level-spec>

Deletes specified level(s) if they are used.

LEVEL DRAW [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Draws only the specified level(s) in the specified file(s) on screen.

LEVEL USAGE [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Returns the usage for specified level(s) in the specified file(s) to the Message Center.

LEVEL SET FROZEN <ON|OFF|TOGGLE> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the state of the Freeze flag for the specified level(s) in the specified file(s).

See Level Manager dialog box for more information.

LEVEL SET DISPLAY <ON|OFF|TOGGLE> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the state of the Display flag for the specified level(s) in the specified file(s). If on, and level is not frozen, the level displays on the screen.


Sets the state of the Lock flag for the specified level(s). Elements cannot be deleted, manipulated or modified if the level is locked. As reference levels can not be locked, <FILE:FILE-SPEC> is not valid.

LEVEL SET PLOT <ON|OFF|TOGGLE> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the state of the Plot flag for the specified level(s) in the specified file(s). When on, the level will plot. When off, the level will not plot but will display.

Set level name, number and description key-ins

The following key-ins are supported for changing level name, numbers and description:

Set Level Name, Number and Description key-ins


LEVEL SET NAME <level-spec> <new-level-name>

Renames specified level to “new-level-name”. The level-spec may be a level-name or a level-number.

LEVEL SET NUMBER <level-spec> <new-level-number>

Renumbers specified level to “new-level-number”. The level-spec may be a level-name or a level-number.

LEVEL SET DESCRIPTION <level-spec> <new-level-description>

Changes the description of specified level to “new-level-description”. The level-spec may be a level-name or a level-number.

Modify level attributes key-ins

The following key-ins are supported for modifying level attributes

Modify Level Attribute key-ins


LEVEL SET BYLEVEL COLOR <color-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the bylevel color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to “color-spec”. The “color-spec” is the color index.

LEVEL SET BYLEVEL STYLE <style-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the bylevel style of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to “style-spec”. The “style-spec” can be the style-number or a style-name.

LEVEL SET BYLEVEL WEIGHT <weight-spec> [file:file-spec] level-spec

Sets the bylevel color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to “weight-spec”. The “weight-spec” is the weight number.

LEVEL SET OVERRIDE COLOR <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|color-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the override color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to “color-spec”. The “color-spec” is the color index.

LEVEL SET OVERRIDE STYLE <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|style-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the override style of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to “style-spec”. The “style-spec” can be the style-number or a style-name.

LEVEL SET OVERRIDE WEIGHT <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|weight-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Sets the override weight of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to “weight-spec”. The “weight-spec” is the weight number.

Key-ins to modify elements on a level

The following key-ins are supported for modifying elements on a level:

Modify Elements on a Level key-ins


LEVEL ELEMENT MOVE [dest:level-spec2] <level-spec1>

Moves all elements on “level-spec1” to specified destination “level-spec2”. The destination level specification is optional. If it is not specified, then the elements are moved to the “Default” level.

LEVEL ELEMENT COPY [dest-level-spec2] <level-spec1>

Copies all elements on “level-spec1” to specified destination “level-spec2”. The destination level specification is optional. If it is not specified, then the elements are copied to the “Default” level.

LEVEL ELEMENT SELECT [file:file-spec] <level-spec>

Selects all elements on “level-spec” of specified “file-spec”. The file specification is optional. If it is not specified, then the elements of the active-model are selected.


Deletes all elements of specified level-spec of the active-model.

Miscellaneous level key-ins

The following key-ins are supported for creating, purging, copying, levels, renaming and reporting on levels:

Miscellaneous Level key-ins


LEVEL CREATE <level_name> [level_number]

Create a new level with name “level_name>. Optionally, the level-number of the new level can be specified with “level-number”.

LEVEL PURGE [dest:level-spec2] <level-spec1>

Force deletes specified “level-spec1”. If the level has any elements, then all the elements are moved to specified “level-spec2”. The destination level specification is optional. If it is not specified, then any elements of the level to be purged are moved to the “Default” level.

LEVEL COPY <source-level-name> <dest-level-name> [dest-level-number]

Creates a new level with name “dest-level-name”. The color, style and line weight attributes of this level are copied from “source-level-name”. Optionally the level-number of the new level can be specified with “dest-level-number”.

LEVEL RENUMBER <increment-value> <level-spec>

The level-number of all levels as specified by “level-spec” is incremented by “increment-value”. The increment-value can be positive or negative.


All levels of the master-file are checked against levels in a level library. Non-standard levels – i.e., level that exist in the master-file but not in the level library are reported. Library levels in the master-file but with non-standard attributes are also reported. The report is output in file “report-file-name”. If the report-file-name is not specified, then the output is sent to the Bentley Text Window. This function is a simple alternative to the Standards´ Checker and can be used to quickly find non-standard levels in a single file.