Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Save As DWG/DXF Options General tab, Basic

Used to set basic options for saving to DWG and DXF files.

Other groups of options under the General tab include:

Save As DWG/DXF Options, General tab, Basic options


DWG Version

Sets the AutoCAD release version that corresponds to the version of DWG file that will be saved. Each version of AutoCAD reads and writes DWG files only from that version or a prior version. MicroStation can save DWG files for versions AutoCAD v11/12 and higher, and DXF files for versions 9 and higher. Usually you should save files in the most recent version because older versions may not support all data constructs necessary for optimum conversion. Versions include:

Level Display

Controls how levels are displayed in the DWG file.

If set to Global, the AutoCAD layers visibility is controlled from the global setting, and the levels that are turned off on a per-view basis are turned on in the AutoCAD file.

If set to one of the eight views, the AutoCAD layers are not visible if they are turned off either globally or in that view. Although MicroStation allows you to turn on and turn off levels either globally or on a per-view basis, AutoCAD allows only global control.


Sets the linear units of measurement used in the AutoCAD file. Although MicroStation allows you to select a different unit system at any time without changing the actual size of the model geometry, AutoCAD does not provide a convenient method for altering units. Therefore, it is important that you select the correct output units. If you select Master Units or Sub Units, MicroStation uses the Master or Sub units from the default model of the current file. Otherwise, you can select a specific unit system. Units include:

Line Weight Scale (MM/Pixel)

Controls the relationship between line weights in MicroStation and AutoCAD. MicroStation defines line weights in pixels, while AutoCAD defines them by width in millimeters. The default value is 0.275 mm/Pixel. Setting a larger value causes wide lines in a DWG file to receive lower line weights in MicroStation; a smaller value causes wide lines to receive higher line weights.

Use Level Symbology Overrides

If on, saves the DGN file level symbology to the DWG file. The AutoCAD layers use the override colors and the DWG entity properties are By Level. The resulting DWG file appears exactly as the DGN file appears when it uses level symbology overrides.

Line Code Scale (Design Units/Cycle)

Sets the scale value for MicroStation line codes.

MicroStation's line codes (standard line styles 1–7) are defined in screen units and are independent of the view zoom factor. AutoCAD linetype definitions are always defined in drawing units and are therefore not compatible with the MicroStation line codes.

If Line Code Scale is set to the default value of 0.0, the lines will be scaled based on the size of the line codes in the first visible view. If the Line Code Scale is set to a non-zero value, this value represents the length (in DWG file units) of a single cycle of the line code pattern.

Preserve MicroStation Settings

If on, preserves MicroStation-specific settings in the DWG file.

Many MicroStation settings do not exist in AutoCAD, and therefore cannot be saved as settings in the DWG file. These settings include the active angle, active scale, and default tool settings. Some elements may also have MicroStation-specific data, such as a graphic group number, that does not exist in the DWG format.

Use this setting if the DWG output file will be edited with MicroStation, and you want to preserve the settings and element data between editing sessions. MicroStation-specific settings are saved to an XRECORD entity, and MicroStation-specific element data is saved as XDATA on each entity.

If the output file will not be edited with MicroStation, then this data is not required, and is ignored by other applications.

DWG Seed File

Sets the path and the file name of the seed DWG file from which settings not present in the DGN file are extracted. To browse for this file, click the adjacent magnifying glass icon.