Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Export IGES File dialog box

The Export IGES File dialog box and the dialog boxes that can be opened from its menus let you set IGES export settings. The Export IGES File dialog box opens when File > Export > IGES is chosen.

Export IGES File dialog box


File Name

The directory and filename that the IGES file will be saved in. By default, the filename is the design filename with the extension “.igs.” A different directory and filename can be specified by choosing Export As from the File menu.

Start Section File

These fields are used to input information that is included in the IGES file's start section.


The name of the person responsible for the creation of the data in the file.


The author's organization, group, or company.

Product Name

The name of the product.


During the conversion, displays messages about its progress, which are also saved in the Log file.

File menu > Settings File > Attach…

Opens the Attach Settings File dialog box, which is used to attach an export settings file.

The controls are analogous to those in the Open dialog box (File > Open…).

File menu > Settings File > Save

Saves the export settings in the attached export settings file.

File menu > Settings File > Save As…

Opens the Save Settings File dialog box, which is used to save the export settings in a new export settings file.

The controls are analogous to those in the Save As dialog box (File > Save As).

If “cals1.sfo” or “cals2.sfo” is chosen, a CALS-compliant IGES file is exported. See Exporting CALS-compliant IGES files.

File menu > Log File…

Opens the Log File dialog box, which is used to specify an alternate Log file.

The controls are analogous to those in the Save As dialog box (File > Save As).

File menu > Export As…

Opens the Export IGES File As dialog box, which is used to specify the file and directory into which the IGES file is saved.

By default, the IGES file is saved in the directory pointed to by the MS_IGESOUT configuration variable with the same filename as the design file and the ion “.igs.”

The controls are analogous to those in the Save As dialog box (File > Save As).

File menu > Start Section File…

Opens the Select Start Section File dialog box, which is used to designate a text file as the IGES file's .

The controls are analogous to those in the Open dialog box (File > Open).

Settings menu > General…

Opens the IGES Export Settings dialog box, which is used to set general IGES export settings.

IGES Export Settings dialog box


Settings menu > Cell Names…

Opens the (IGES Export) Cell Names dialog box, which is used to customize how MicroStation cell names are translated to IGES subfigure names.

Cell Names dialog box


See Converting subfigure names for general information about converting between cell and subfigure names.

Settings menu > Exclude IGES Entities…

Opens the (Export IGES) Exclude IGES Entities dialog box, which is used to exclude entity types that are not supported by the receiving application. If an entity type is excluded, it is approximated with an alternate entity. If an appropriate alternate entity does not exist or is also excluded, the entity is omitted from the IGES file and a warning is inserted in the Log file.

Exclude IGES Entities dialog box


See and Excluding IGES entitiesAlternate entities to use when exporting excluded IGES entities for more information about excluding IGES entities.

Settings menu > Text Fonts…

Opens the (IGES Export) Text Fonts dialog box, which is used to define the mapping between MicroStation and IGES text font numbers.

Text Fonts dialog box


By default, the MicroStation fonts 100–102 are translated as graphic entities in the IGES file. Blank enter data fields are exported as underbar “_” characters.

For general information about converting text fonts between MicroStation and IGES files, see Converting text.

Settings menu > Levels…

Opens the (IGES Export) Levels dialog box, which is used to specify mappings between levels in the design file and the exported IGES file.

Levels dialog box


Settings menu > Line Styles…

Opens the (IGES Export) Line Styles dialog box, which is used to set how the eight MicroStation standard line styles are converted to the six IGES line font patterns.

Line Styles dialog box


Settings menu > Start Section…

Opens the Start Section dialog box, which is used to edit the text that goes into the IGES file's Start section. If a start section file is selected, its contents are displayed and can be edited.

Start Section dialog box


Editing functions are the same as those in the Entering and Editing Text section.


Click to finish editing the start section and close the Start Section dialog box.

Changes made in the Start Section dialog box are not saved. Start section files can be permanently customized using a text editor outside of MicroStation. This is useful if your organization has a standard start section that is customized slightly (for example, the drawing's name entered) for each IGES file.