Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide

Select Remote Design to Attach dialog box

Used to attach a model in a remote DGN file as a reference.

Select Remote Design File to Attach dialog box



Bookmarks > Add Bookmark

Opens the Add Bookmark dialog box for creating a bookmark with a URL and Title that will be included in the current bookmark list. Once created, selection of the bookmark enters the associated URL into the URL field.

If you have the MicroStation Links-initiated web browser open, the current URL displayed in the browser appears in the Select Remote Design File dialog box's URL field.

Bookmarks > Edit Bookmark

Opens the Edit Bookmark dialog box for editing existing bookmarks.




Moves the selected bookmark up one space on the bookmark list. If the bookmark above it is in a folder at a deeper level, the selected bookmark is moved into that folder. If the item above the selected bookmark is the folder in which it is contained, the bookmark is moved out of the folder. Moving a folder moves all items contained in that folder.


Moves the selected bookmark down one space on the bookmark list. If the item below the bookmark is a folder, the bookmark is moved into that folder. Moving a folder moves all items contained in that folder.


Removes the selected item.


Adds a new, empty bookmark before the selected item.

New Folder

Adds a new folder before the selected item.

New Separator

Adds a new separator before the selected item.


Saves all bookmark changes to disk.


Cancels any changes made to bookmarks.

Options > Clear History

This cleans the current history.

Cache Policy

Choose whether a URL is downloaded from the Internet or a previously downloaded local copy is used.

Type of Local Storage

Choose how the downloaded file is stored.

Store Read Only

Stores downloaded files as read-only. This is a useful reminder that the remote file is not being changed, and local modifications could lead to confusion.

Append ?fmt=raw

Appends the string “?fmt=raw” to the end of any URL that is submitted for download. This is necessary if the selected site is running Bentley Publisher, because such sites default to sending a JPEG image rather than the raw design file.

?fmt=raw only works if the web administrator has enabled this feature in Bentley Publisher.

Specify local copy

Specifies a location and filename where the URL should be downloaded, rather than the default location.


Accepts the bookmark and closes the dialog box.


Closes the dialog box without accepting the bookmark.