Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Views and references tools for drawing creation

Setting up a sheet model for drawing production, requires references of the design geometry. These may be references of various standard views of a 3D model, such as Top, Front, and Right elevations, or of saved views. MicroStation's view and reference tools streamline this process.

Copy references by folding

Typically, drawings consist of various views of the design. Usually, these views are orthogonal to one another, which lets you reference, say, the Top view and then use the Copy Reference by Folding tool to create the Front and Side elevations. This tool copies the original reference and then attaches a view by folding it about an orthogonal axis, or about a line defined by two points.

Reference Presentation (display mode)

Where drawing sheets are created from views of 3D models, the default display mode usually is Wireframe. In order to create drawings, with hidden lines removed, the Set Reference Presentation tool in the References dialog box, lets you change the display mode.

When you are working in a Sheet model, as well as the standard display modes, an extra option is available — True Hidden Line. This setting generates a new vector model of the reference, with hidden lines removed, which provides much cleaner printouts, and also lets you choose from other settings, such as “Include Hidden Edges.” Additionally, you can specify the attributes for both the visible and hidden lines.

Saved Views

In the design model, you can create saved views of your design, which then can be referenced to create a view in the drawing sheet.

Clip Volume

Where it is difficult to create a saved view that contains only the part of the model that you require for the drawing, you can use the Clip Volume tool to first isolate the part of the model required, and then make a saved view of this, to reference to the sheet model.