Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats
Guide to Using DWG and Other Formats

Setting the Workmode to DWG

When you are working in a DGN file, the default workmode is DGN. You can also manually set the workmode to DWG.

To change the workmode, define the workmode configuration variable MS_WORKMODE.

This configuration variable can be set at the user, project, or system level. For details, see Configuration Variables.

While DWG workmode is enabled, an icon displays in the status bar. The icon depicts a white crosshair on a blue background.

Setting the workmode (user configuration)

User-level configuration variable settings take precedence over all other level settings.

To set the DWG workmode (user configuration)
  1. From the Workspace menu, choose Configuration.
    Configuration dialog box opens.

  2. In the View/Modify All Configuration Variables list box, select MS_WORKMODE.

  3. Click Edit.
    Edit Configuration Variable dialog box opens.

  4. In the New Value field, type:

  5. To close the Edit Configuration Variable dialog box, click OK.
    The focus returns to the Configuration dialog box.

  6. From the File menu of the Configuration dialog box, choose Save.

  7. To close the Configuration dialog box, click OK.

  8. Exit and restart MicroStation.

Setting the workmode (project configuration)

Although you can set the workmode in each user configuration file, it may be more efficient to set the variable at the project level. For some users, the DWG delivery requirement affects all files in the entire project. For this reason, editing the project configuration file (*.pcf) ensures that DWG workmode is used for a given project.

General Procedure — Setting the project workmode to DWG
  1. (Optional) Use the MicroStation Manager to create a new project. When you create a new project, a project configuration file (*.pcf) is automatically created in the Workspace directory.

  2. Set DWG workmode in the project configuration file.

  3. (Optional) Edit the user configuration file (*.ucf) to associate a user to the project.

To set the project to DWG workmode
  1. Using a text editor, open the *.pcf (project configuration) file.

  2. Add the following line to the configuration file:

  3. Save the .pcf and exit the text editor.

To associate a user to the DWG project
  1. Using a text editor, open the appropriate *.ucf (user configuration) file. This file can be found in the Workspace directory.

  2. Add the following line to the configuration file:
    where projectfilename is the name of a project that was set to DWG workmode.

  3. Save and close the *.ucf file.
    The next time that a user starts MicroStation, the project will be the one that was defined above.