Reference Guide
Reference Guide
Reference Guide


Consists of controls that are used to set preferences related to Text Labels.

Text preferences controls


Display Text with Line Styles

If off (the default), text in traditional MicroStation fonts is displayed with the standard solid line style (line code 0). If on, text in traditional MicroStation fonts is displayed with its true line style attribute.

Fit Text by Inserting Space

If off (the default), MicroStation places fitted text by enlarging or shrinking the characters of text so that they fit between two data points. If on, the size of text characters is determined by the Active Text Size (Height and Width), and the text is fitted by increasing or reducing the spacing between characters.

Fixed-Width Character Spacing

If off (the default), the spacing between characters is measured from the end of one character to the beginning of the next character. This results in proportionally spaced text, such as the text in this paragraph, in which narrower characters take up less (horizontal) space.

If on, the spacing between characters is measured from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character. This results in monospaced text, such as that produced with a typewriter, in which all characters take up the same amount of horizontal space.

Preserve Text Nodes

If on, any text that was placed as a text node remains a text node, even if edited down to one line (at which point MicroStation would otherwise replace the text node with a text element). This allows the operation of some automatic text placement features that require the presence of text nodes, although some efficiency in design file size is sacrificed. The default is off.

Justify Enter Data Fields Like IGDS

If off (the default), the odd space in a center-justified enter data field containing an odd number of extra blank spaces is positioned at the beginning of the enter data field — for example, _ _ A B C _. If on, the odd space is positioned at the end (as in IGDS) — for example, _ A B C _ _.

ED Character

Sets the text character that denotes each character in an enter data field — by default, the underbar (_).

Change this preference if you do not want to place text elements with underbars.

Key-in: SET EDCHAR [character]

Smallest Text

Sets the size threshold, in pixels, above which text is drawn.

MicroStation displays text smaller than this threshold as a box containing an X. Display of such greeked text occurs faster than display of the text itself, and the text is likely too small to read anyway.

The default is 4 pixels. A value of zero specifies that text is drawn regardless of its size.

Key-in: SET SMALLTEXT [size]

Underline Spacing (%)

Sets the distance, as a percentage of the text height, between the baseline (the bottom of characters that do not have descenders) and underlining. The default distance is 20 percent of the text height.

Degree Display Char(acter)

Sets the ASCII character used to display the degree symbol (°). The default is 176.

Text Editor Style

Sets the type of text editing interface.

Missing Fonts

Determines the manner in which fonts missing from your system are listed in font selection combo boxes.