Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Dimension Size Perpendicular to Line

Use it!

Used to dimension the linear distance perpendicularly from an element to another point. The dimension's y-axis is defined by the element identified.

Tool SettingEffect

Displays the active dimension style. Drop-down list box allows you to select other available dimension styles.

Magnifying glass icon

Opens the Dimension Styles dialog box, which is used to control settings for dimensioning.

  • If on, snapping a tentative point to the element being dimensioned causes an association point to be created.

  • If off, no associations are created.

To dimension a distance perpendicularly from an element (at a separately-identified point)
  1. Select the Dimension Size Perpendicular to Line tool.

  2. Enter a data point to identify the element from which a distance will be dimensioned.
    The orientation of the y-axis of the dimension is perpendicular to the line on which the element lies.

  3. Enter a second data point to define the origin (the base of the first extension line).
    This point can lie beyond the end of the element identified in step

  4. Enter a data point to define the base of the second extension line.
    The dimension is placed with extension lines at each end.