Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Dimension Text dialog box

Used to edit dimension text. Text that is keyed in the Dimension Text dialog box is not associative — it does not change when the dimension element is modified.

Dimension Text dialog box. Above: Secondary dimension text and Tolerance Generation off. Below: Secondary dimension text and Tolerance Generation on with Plus/Minus dimensions.


Opens in the following instances:

Dimension text is edited as follows:


Fields used to edit Primary dimension text (text above the dimension line).

The exact fields displayed depend on whether the dimension has tolerances (Tolerance Generation) and on the tolerance Type. These are set in the Dimension Styles dialog box (Tolerance category).

Secondary (used only for dual dimensions)

Fields used to edit secondary dimension text; the fields are the same as those for Primary dimension text. Secondary dimension text is displayed if Show Secondary Units is on (Dimension Styles box, Units category) when the dimension is placed.


Accepts the changes to the dimension element and closes the dialog box.


Cancels the changes and closes the dialog box.