Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings
Guide to Generating Drawings

Dimension Settings

As they work, designers and drafters in particular disciplines usually only need to change a few settings relating to dimensions. However, each discipline seems to frequently use a different group of settings.

MicroStation's dimensioning tools are flexible enough to accommodate users in all disciplines, so the number of dimension settings available can seem daunting at first. However, once you are familiar with their organization, finding the correct setting is no problem. (Also, Dimension Styles can take all the effort out of dimension settings.)

Dimension settings are divided into the following categories in the Dimension Styles dialog box:


Consists of settings whose purpose is to

Custom Symbols

Include custom symbols in dimension text.

Dimension Lines

Determine the characteristics of dimension lines.

Dimension With Leader

Determine the characteristics of the dimension leader.

Extension Lines

Determine the characteristics of extension lines.

Place Note

Control the leader line settings for the Place Note tool.


Affect the dimension Alignment, dimension text Location, and the placement of dimensions in general.


Determine the characteristics of terminators.

Terminator Symbols

Use custom terminators in dimensions.


Determine the characteristics of dimension text.


Control the generation of toleranced dimensions.

Tool Settings

Affect how a particular dimensioning tool operates.


Define the units of measurement in dimensions.

Unit Format

Affect the unit display format in dimension text.

To open the Dimension Styles dialog box
  1. From the Element menu, choose Dimension Styles.


The Alignment setting in the Placement category of the Dimension Styles dialog box is a frequently adjusted dimensioning setting. This setting controls the alignment of linear dimensions (illustrations drawn with the Dimension Size with Arrow tool):



Aligns linear dimensions



Parallel to the view x- or y-axis — useful when dimensioning 3D references with dimensions parallel to the viewing plane. (“Xv” denotes the view x-axis.)



Parallel to the design plane x- or y- axis. The design's rotation determines the alignment axis for a particular dimension. (“Xd” denotes the design plane x-axis.)



Parallel to the element being dimensioned. The extension lines are at right angles to the dimension line.

Arbitrary (2D only)


Parallel to the element being dimensioned. The extension lines are not constrained to be at right angles to the dimension line. This is useful when dimensioning elements in 2D “iso” drawings. Iso Lock must be On to accomplish this.


Another frequently adjusted dimensioning setting is Location in the Dimension Styles dialog box's Placement category. This setting controls the location of dimension text.




Dimension text is automatically placed according to the Justification setting (Text category) if the text fits between the extension lines. If the text does not fit, you position the text in response to a prompt.


Dimension text is automatically placed according to the Justification setting (Text category).


You position dimension text in response to a prompt.